
Excited and Annoyed...

I'm excited for the same reason why I am annoyed...we were supposed to close on the house today, but (grrr) something is holding it up and it might not happen until tomorrow!!! I just want MY OWN KITCHEN!!!!! Waaahh!

So this past Friday I was supposed to run 7 miles for my half marathon training program but had such a busy day at work and with clients I was too tired...so I did it Saturday morning...

Went to this local walking/jogging "track" since I did not want to do 7 miles on the dreaded treadmill! The track is 1.6 miles around and marked off every quarter mile...which I was psyched about so I could keep an eye on my pace.

I started with a half mile walk warm up...as soon as i hit .50 I took off for the run and didn't stop until I was finished...(what was I listening to, you wonder for a 7 mile long a$$ run? Well, ABBA cardio remix, of course! LMAO!!!! I am really serious HAHA)

Anyway...I finish and feel great...get back to my car to figure out my laps and times...when...wait a minute...what the heck...that can't be right!!! OMG, I AM AN IDIOT!!! I ended up RUNNING 7.5 miles...and with the half mile walk made for an 8 mile day!!!! HOLY CRAP HAHAH!

At :60 mins my watch stopped timing (and I wasn't done running) so I had to restart it...so there was about a minute or so that's not accounted for...but I noticed at each quarter mile I was running between 2:20 and 2:30 for each quarter mile. I do know that at 5.9 miles I was at 56:29...and at 6.15 miles I was at 58:56...I was somewhere around 10 minutes per mile...maybe a little under that...either way I'm happy and feel accomplished...I never ran that far before ever...and WITHOUT STOPPING!!!!!!

My current training schedule looks like this (usually only 1 day off which is either Sat or Sun, but with the long runs getting LOOOONGER I may take Friday's off and do the long run on Sat morning):

Sun: Yoga or REST

Mon: Run

Tue: Yoga

Wed: Run

Thurs: Gymnastics

Fri: Run

Sat: Yoga or REST

I noticed now that my half marathon program calls for 15-20 minutes of weight training after my Monday run...

Ok, quick nap before my client...then a networking meeting...then 4 miles and weight training.

Until Next Time!

1 comment:

Mary M said...

Way to go girl...and everything happens for a reason! Just be patient that house and ALL the cleaning with it is coming! LOL!
Have a great day!