


As soon as we are moved in I'll take pics of the inside too!!!


Excited and Annoyed...

I'm excited for the same reason why I am annoyed...we were supposed to close on the house today, but (grrr) something is holding it up and it might not happen until tomorrow!!! I just want MY OWN KITCHEN!!!!! Waaahh!

So this past Friday I was supposed to run 7 miles for my half marathon training program but had such a busy day at work and with clients I was too tired...so I did it Saturday morning...

Went to this local walking/jogging "track" since I did not want to do 7 miles on the dreaded treadmill! The track is 1.6 miles around and marked off every quarter mile...which I was psyched about so I could keep an eye on my pace.

I started with a half mile walk warm up...as soon as i hit .50 I took off for the run and didn't stop until I was finished...(what was I listening to, you wonder for a 7 mile long a$$ run? Well, ABBA cardio remix, of course! LMAO!!!! I am really serious HAHA)

Anyway...I finish and feel great...get back to my car to figure out my laps and times...when...wait a minute...what the heck...that can't be right!!! OMG, I AM AN IDIOT!!! I ended up RUNNING 7.5 miles...and with the half mile walk made for an 8 mile day!!!! HOLY CRAP HAHAH!

At :60 mins my watch stopped timing (and I wasn't done running) so I had to restart it...so there was about a minute or so that's not accounted for...but I noticed at each quarter mile I was running between 2:20 and 2:30 for each quarter mile. I do know that at 5.9 miles I was at 56:29...and at 6.15 miles I was at 58:56...I was somewhere around 10 minutes per mile...maybe a little under that...either way I'm happy and feel accomplished...I never ran that far before ever...and WITHOUT STOPPING!!!!!!

My current training schedule looks like this (usually only 1 day off which is either Sat or Sun, but with the long runs getting LOOOONGER I may take Friday's off and do the long run on Sat morning):

Sun: Yoga or REST

Mon: Run

Tue: Yoga

Wed: Run

Thurs: Gymnastics

Fri: Run

Sat: Yoga or REST

I noticed now that my half marathon program calls for 15-20 minutes of weight training after my Monday run...

Ok, quick nap before my client...then a networking meeting...then 4 miles and weight training.

Until Next Time!


The last few months in 200 words or less...

I'm mad at myself for not keeping up. The last few months of 2009 have been tough but 2010 has been nothing but GREAT so let's talk about the positive.

1) Got a full time job (yay for benefits! yay for a regular paycheck!)

2) About this close (holding thumb and pointer about 1 inch apart) from closing on our first house! SOOOOO STRESSFUL!

3) Entered the Bodysport.com 12 week transformation contest for fun.

4) Officially started my training for the half marathon! Running 3x per week.

5) Signed up for gymnastics again. Tumbling 1x per week.

6) Signed up for Yoga to help with strength and flexibility. Going 2-3x per week.

7) Currently training a few clients for the 2010 competition season! Looking forward to growing my team!

8) Updated my website!!! http://www.fitnessjenn.com/

9) Totally need to shout out Doneker at COMPLETE MOTIVATION. Months ago she sent me a shirt from her new clothing line and I am SO THANKFUL for it! I will post pictures of me in the shirt so you can see! For now PLEASE VISIT HER SITE: http://www.completemotivation.com/

10) I vow to be a better blogger! Here's to an awesome 2010!

Until Next Time!