
Join my "Fitness Jenn" Fan Page on Face Book!

In addition to my blog I also post ALOT on my Facebook and my Fan Page. If you are on Face Book LOOK ME UP and FRIEND ME...and please join my fan page!!! THANKS!


Anonymous said...

Are you in charge of your fan page on facebook?? Everytime I try and join, I get deleted....

Jenn said...

Hmmm...that's weird??? Did ya try again?

Anonymous said...

I think it worked this time! I'm so glad, I like all the fitness tips you give out! Thanks!

Jenn said...

Glad it worked out! :-)

Anonymous said...

Good Afternoon Jenn,

I’m currently seeking a figure trainer in the NJ metro area and came across your blogspot page. I have a trainer at the present time but she isn't meeting my needs and expectations. Maybe we can exchange information and correspond soon. I can be reached at mrslbwell1@tmail.com. Look forward to hearing from you soon.

La'Toya Blackwell